Open Daily: 8:00am until Twilight
(Closed after Dark)
The Seed Exchange is a little seed library where you can exchange your extra seeds for ours. Exchanging seeds increases biodiversity for pollinators in the other gardens of all who participate.
Don’t let your extra seeds go to waste! Come visit us curbside and contact-free.
Take a Packet- Leave a Packet
You probably have extra seeds leftover after your spring seed starting and plantings, just like us. Come and exchange your extra packets for ours and widen the variety of what grows in your garden. If you want seeds but have no packets to exchange for them, consider leaving a donation. All proceeds benefit our efforts to protect and provide for the pollinators.
Click here for a list of seeds currently available.
We have Free Seeds too!
To encourage other gardeners to plant their own flowers for the pollinators, we also offer two types of seed mix packets. Our “Feed the Bees” packet contains Red Poppy, Zinnia, Sunflower, and Plains Coreopsis. Our “Butterfly Garden” packet contains Coneflower, Daisy, Aster, and Milkweed.
These are absolutely free while supplies last, limit one packet per person per visit.
Do you want free seeds but are too far to visit? Send us your choice of seed packet and a self-addressed stamped envelope to our mailing address.
Note: We will provide a substitute if your choice is not available.
Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for processing.
Old Elk Farm- Free Seeds
c/o Steven & Beth
P.O. Box 83
Isle la Motte, VT 05463
Guidelines for exchanging seeds
Seeds should be for our growing zone and no more than two years old. Please do not trade chemically treated, GMO, or invasive non-native species of perennial seeds. Seeds should be marked with seed type, place of origin, and date of harvest. All seed packets should be stored in provided zip-lock bags to prevent moisture and to prevent attracting critters. Please make sure the bags are sealed and the cabinet is securely closed at the end of your visit.
Directions for getting here
Geo-Coordinates: 44.87490º, -73.32879º
From Four Corners on Main: Head east on Church Rd. about a half of a mile on the left
From the East Shore: Head south and follow west on Church Rd. about a quarter of a mile on the right
Free Parking
Temporary off-street parking is available in the easement section of the private driveway immediately adjacent to the Seed Exchange cabinet. Please do not proceed further onto the property without a prior appointment or to turn around, and do not block any vehicle entering or exiting the property.